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Agile Digital Business

Glean applicable ideas from Agile Digital Business as your host, Vickie Maris, explores the topics of leadership, personal development, team development and team communications.
Vickie is a singer-songwriter, speaker, facilitator and author. In addition to her music and speaking at conferences, she facilitates sessions in staff retreats and workshops. She is a certified trainer of Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors, as well as a certified facilitator. 
You will enjoy and benefit from the interviews with guests on the show who bring a variety of perspectives and applicable insights. Focus areas include change management, leadership, team dynamics, communications, entrepreneurship, and more.

Oct 6, 2022

0:00 Intro - increasing your level of engagement

:16 Episode powered by Teach Inspire Connect

:32 Thank you from the host, Vickie Maris


1:01 Explanation about the previous pause in the podcast

1:08 Silence in my daily routine

2:10 Benefits of spending time in silence as a part of the daily routine

2:57 Conference talk during the 2022 Purdue Women's Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana

3:11 Silence led to writing and recording songs for a solo album, Another Universe by Vickie Maris

5:25 Starting an additional podcast about the behind-the-scenes 

5:38 Recording engineer and producer of the album is Michael Kelsey

6:03 Scott Greeson and Michael Kelsey will be on the mics with me for the new podcast.

6:26 Content stems from one of the videos in my 14-day challenge of livestreaming. This episode of the video series is shared here as audio about ways to better engage in a livestream or video call.

7:47 Daily goal of improving by 1% over the day before

8:28 The videos from the 14-day livestreaming challenge are available on my YouTube channel. Search Vickie J Maris.

9:01 The new songs and my album are available at the channel for Vickie Maris Topic or Vickie Maris Music.

9:20 Techniques for increasing your engagement with followers in a livestream. These tips can also apply towards video calls in Zoom, MS Teams and other platforms.

10:30 Watch a livestream that another person is conducting on a topic you find of interest. Take notes about the experience. What causes you to engage or not?

11:00 Ask a question early in your broadcast.

12:24 Pause to review comments and questions, or let people know that you'll revist the comments feed after the broadcast.

14:35 Contain your "teaching livestream" to 5-10 plus minutes.

16:47 Wrap-up of the podcast episode. Email comments and questions to agiledigitalbusiness @ gmail dot com.

17:03 Request for your positive rating and review. The feedback helps me to evolve the show to best meet listeners' needs.

17:37 To hear my new songs on the album, Another Universe:

17:52 Thank you to my clients of my business, Teach Inspire Connect.