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Agile Digital Business

Glean applicable ideas from Agile Digital Business as your host, Vickie Maris, explores the topics of leadership, personal development, team development and team communications.
Vickie is a singer-songwriter, speaker, facilitator and author. In addition to her music and speaking at conferences, she facilitates sessions in staff retreats and workshops. She is a certified trainer of Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors, as well as a certified facilitator. 
You will enjoy and benefit from the interviews with guests on the show who bring a variety of perspectives and applicable insights. Focus areas include change management, leadership, team dynamics, communications, entrepreneurship, and more.

Jan 20, 2020

Voice-first resources are featured in Episode 25 of Agile Digital Business podcast. You'll hear about Amazon Alexa Skills highlighted in a book by Bradley Metrock of the "This Week in Voice" podcast, to an interview with Bobby Kovey, The Credo Company, participant in a talk on preparing for voice, presented by...