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Agile Digital Business

Glean applicable ideas from Agile Digital Business as your host, Vickie Maris, explores the topics of leadership, personal development, team development and team communications.
Vickie is a singer-songwriter, speaker, facilitator and author. In addition to her music and speaking at conferences, she facilitates sessions in staff retreats and workshops. She is a certified trainer of Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors, as well as a certified facilitator. 
You will enjoy and benefit from the interviews with guests on the show who bring a variety of perspectives and applicable insights. Focus areas include change management, leadership, team dynamics, communications, entrepreneurship, and more.

Mar 27, 2020

Mark Schaefer, author of Marketing Rebellion: The Most Human Company Wins, is my guest on Episode 29 of Agile Digital Business.

He provides many valuable insights and examples of how companies can be reacting in the COVID-19 global crisis to remain relevant in the eyes of their customers.

0:12 "We have to think about...

Dec 2, 2019

In this bonus episode of the podcast, I share a thank you to members of my book launch team. The new book is a 30-day journal, Changing Life After a Life-Changing Event: 30 Journal Prompts and Stories to Help After a Loss, by Vickie J. Maris.


In addition to the shout outs to the graphic design team, editor and book...

Oct 17, 2019

Show notes and time codes for Episode 16 of Agile Digital Business

Season 2 is about the voice platform, voice first, and voice search marketing.


:03 This is Part 2 of the bonus content shared during the session by Vickie Maris on voice first and voice search in the module, Leading the Strategic Enterprise. Business...

Oct 5, 2019

As I was preparing for the talk I gave last week about voice search and the shifts in how our customers are seeking information about our products and services, I created a document of bonus content. It included references to several interesting marketing statistics and trends and a few points mentioned by...