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Agile Digital Business

Glean applicable ideas from Agile Digital Business as your host, Vickie Maris, explores the topics of leadership, personal development, team development and team communications.
Vickie is a singer-songwriter, speaker, facilitator and author. In addition to her music and speaking at conferences, she facilitates sessions in staff retreats and workshops. She is a certified trainer of Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors, as well as a certified facilitator. 
You will enjoy and benefit from the interviews with guests on the show who bring a variety of perspectives and applicable insights. Focus areas include change management, leadership, team dynamics, communications, entrepreneurship, and more.

May 1, 2020

What do leaders need to be doing and thinking about in times of uncertainty and complexity? Pete DeLisle, PhD, chats with me on this subject in Episode 32 of Agile Digital Business.

In a time when areas around our world have gone from simple to complex, almost simultaneously, Pete's reflections and insights...