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Agile Digital Business

Glean applicable ideas from Agile Digital Business as your host, Vickie Maris, explores the topics of leadership, personal development, team development and team communications.
Vickie is a singer-songwriter, speaker, facilitator and author. In addition to her music and speaking at conferences, she facilitates sessions in staff retreats and workshops. She is a certified trainer of Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors, as well as a certified facilitator. 
You will enjoy and benefit from the interviews with guests on the show who bring a variety of perspectives and applicable insights. Focus areas include change management, leadership, team dynamics, communications, entrepreneurship, and more.

Jan 17, 2017

Amy Skyles, Missouri S & T, is my guest on Episode 5 of Agile Digital Business (formerly, Online Course Connections).

She and her colleagues are helping you keep students on pace towards graduation by working with instructors to create alternatives for the design and teaching of lab classes. She tells us about the reasons behind decisions at her institution and how they are answering faculty, student and community questions about online and blended lab classrooms.

The design team at Missouri S & T doesn't refer to their courses as "online labs." They are instead referred to as DELTA Labs. DELTA is an acronym for Delivering Experiential Labs to All

Another service of the design team is to help instructors come up with a plan for the situation when a student with a disability is in an online course that has a lab component that they would be managing from their remote location.

They also help come up with a plan for disposal of materials from lab experiments. Disposal, even in micro scale, can become an issue if the lab kits are delivered to over 1000 students in the same dormitory. 

You'll also get to learn about The Laboratory Redesign Handbook, which includes tips and tricks in Part 1 and the "How to get it done" in Part 2.

The handbook is available for purchase as a pdf download or as a bound hard copy. You can learn about the handbook and other resources at the website: 

Amy mentions the Teaching and Learning With Technology Conference which is held in March every year at Missouri S & T during St. Patrick's Day celebrations. Here is the link to check out the conference on the campus in Rolla, Missouri. 

You can connect with Amy Skyles in Twitter @saskyles

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